As part of our continuing efforts to aid in hurricane relief, GAF has arranged a financing plan with GreenSky® for homeowners in FEMA-designated areas for individual assistance in North Carolina and South Carolina. This offer is only available from participating GAF Master Elite® and Certified™ Contractors. This plan was designed to help you offer homeowners and their families the opportunity to rebuild that much faster and feel secure that much sooner. The program provides homeowners no payment, no-interest financing for GAF Shingles and Roof Accessories, as well as installation costs, if the loan is paid in full within 6 months. The promotional period is followed by an 84-month 9.99% APR plan with no repayment penalty. The offer is valid for loans approved by December 31, 2018. Roof installation must be complete and payment to you, a Master Elite® or Certified™ Contractor, is authorized within 6 months of loan approval date.
PLUS, GAF is offering a $100 rebate to homeowners that finance a GAF Lifetime Roofing System* and a System Plus Limited Warranty* through GreenSky®. With the System Plus Limited Warranty, when GAF Lifetime Shingles and at least 3 qualifying GAF Accessories are installed, the homeowner will get a Lifetime limited warranty against manufacturing defects on their shingles and qualifying accessories. In the event of a manufacturing defect in their GAF Products, they also get a 50-year 100% coverage period that covers installation labor costs (including for tear-off) and any necessary replacement GAF Products to repair their roof. Not enrolled with GreenSky®? Apply online now or call 844-644-2563 and use sponsor number 496.