Customer Testimonials

See how customers feel about working with us!

They were very quick. They did an excellent job of installing and cleaning up.

Great work! Needed a new roof, got several bids. Alpha Omega were not the most, or the least�.but once Rob explained the materials used and the warranty, it was an easy decision to use them. Crew arrived at 7:30 am, and by 6:30 pm the job was complete. Their attention to detail, especially the clean up, is amazing! I highly recommend them!

We had a very positive experience with Alpha Omega. Rob gave prompt responses to our queries throughout this process. The team who worked on our roof did their jobs efficiently, and cleaned up well at the end of the day. And, our roof looks great!

So pleased with my new storm gutters. After trouble with water spots on several ceilings I called AlphaOmega thinking it might roof was leaking. Andy Gamble came to inspect. After spending time in my attic, Andy explained very clearly the gutters on my high pitched roof were too shallow too shallow to accommodate heavy rain which overflowed behind the fascia board. We decided my "too small" gutters had to be replaced to save my ceilings. Andy explained very clearly the installation process. The crew did a Beautiful job followed by an inspection which went great. It was very nice meeting Andy. I'll keep in touch you when I need a new roof.

This company was the subcontractor that did the roofing on my house when it was built in 2019. Within a few years the roof was leaking and I had to spend several hundred dollars to replace multiple shingles. The roofers that completed the repair were shocked at the shoddy workmanship. Visible damage left uncorrected (speculated to be caused by a ladder), nails in the middle of multiple shingles, etc.

Great company that backs their workmanship. Prompt, professional service.